Τρίτη 16 Ιουνίου 2015

Telegraph: Enough is enough, Greece must leave the euro


The Greek debt crisis is now five years old, and still there is no workable settlement in sight. One apparent denouement follows another, lending Europe a sense of permanent crisis and conflict, not so dissimilar to an outright war, at least in terms of the entrenched positions adopted and the vitriol of the language.

While much weightier matters, such as mass unemployment, the influx of illegal immigration, and the sabre rattling at European borders from Putin’s Russia, go unaddressed, tiny little Greece has become an all consuming diversion, monopolising the time and energies of political leaders and tearing at the very heart of the European project.

For Greece, it is increasingly obvious that there are no good outcomes to be had. It’s either default and leave the euro, a step that would lead to significant further economic short term hardships, or carry on with the penury imposed by its European and other international creditors. So far Europe has refused meaningful debt forgiveness. Greece’s Syriza-led government has similarly refused the reform agenda demanded by the hated Troika, believing it an affront to its democratic mandate.

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Enough is enough. The two positions cannot be reconciled, and though there is no doubt scope for spinning out this interminable saga for a while longer yet, it is time to bite the bullet and find a way of organising Greece’s exit from the euro in as orderly a fashion as possible. We advocate such a course with a heavy heart, for although this newspaper has always recognised the political and economic folly of European Monetary Union, once the step to abandon one of its members is taken, there is no turning back. Nobody can know the geo-political, never mind the economic consequences, not just for Greece, but for the rest of Europe as well.

For Greece, stuck precariously on the fringes of Europe between often hostile and covetous neighbours, membership of the euro is about much more than economics and exchange rates. For many Greeks, it is about security and modernity. It’s a hard thing to let go, despite the damage it had done to them.

This is why when it comes to separation, it must be done with a velvet glove, with Marshall Plan type aid to ensure Greece does not descend into economic and political chaos, and with help from the European Central Bank and the Bank of England in setting up a new, national currency. Other European governments must reconcile themselves to big haircuts in devalued drachmas. Regrettably, the growing acrimony of the present standoff makes the alternative of a bad exit all too likely. Yet whichever way it’s done, it’s hard to see any other way forward. This debilitating charade has gone on quite long enough; it’s time for Greece to take back control over her economic destiny.


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