By Wolfgang Münchau
When German economic illiteracy meets with Greek diplomatic illiteracy, nothing good will come of it. Last week, a Greek minister threatened to swamp Germany with Islamic refugees. The Germans are again debating an accidental Greek exit from the eurozone: Grexident. Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, linked a claim about second world war reparation payments against Germany to present discussions on the extension of a loan agreement.
The reparations claim itself is not frivolous. There are even German lawyers who believe Athens has a case. But it is politically mad to link the two. What we are hearing is not the usual noise: there is a loss of trust.
The conclusion I draw from this is that the odds of a Greek exit from the eurozone have shortened dramatically in the past two weeks. The two sides may tone down their rhetoric in the coming days but I cannot see the creditor countries relenting on the conditions of last month’s debt rollover agreement. Nor can I see the Greek government fulfilling them. Since nobody knows how many days or weeks Athens is from insolvency, the risk of a sudden exit is clear and present. Grexit may never happen — but it is time to get ready.
Grexit is not an outcome any rational person would wish for. It will undermine the EU’s geostrategic influence. Economically, it will unmask a hidden truth: that the monetary union is just a beefed-up fixed-exchange system. A large number of financial contracts would instantly default. It is unclear how the global financial system would cope. The eurozone’s fledgling economic recovery would be at risk.
For Greece an exit may well work in the long run if it is well managed; but it will bring economic misery in the short term. The country is still running a current account deficit, meaning it is reliant on external funding to support domestic consumption. That funding may disappear from one day to the next, should Greece default on its creditors.
A preparation for Grexit is not about a Plan B in the top drawer. It means a pre-agreed sequence of actions ready to be implemented. A changeover of a currency regime within a short period of time constitutes an organisational and logistical challenge that goes beyond anything normal states ever do.
I would advise against a cold turkey switch into a new currency regime — one that would replace the euro with a new drachma. I doubt this is logically feasible or economically desirable. I would opt for a transitory regime, a smoke-and-mirrors version where nobody knows precisely whether Greece is in or out.
My preferred choice would be a parallel currency that acts as a medium of exchange but not necessarily as a store of value or unit of account. Its denomination would be the euro. This pseudo-currency would not be legal tender. Its success would depend on whether people accepted it. Its sole function initially would be to provide temporary liquidity if the country were to be cut off from central bank funding.
There are various proposals on the table, including one that is backed by future tax income. I noted that Yanis Varoufakis, Greek finance minister, discussed an even more exotic option in an article written last year.
He mooted the idea that a government of the eurozone periphery could sponsor a cryptocurrency with similar characteristics to bitcoin. There has been a lot of excitement about the potential of the internet currency. In the long term, the technology on which bitcoin is based could have profound implications for our economies. But in their current version, bitcoin and its digital brethren are useless as a potential future replacement of the dollar or the euro because they are deflationary by construction. This bug turns into a feature when you want something that cannot inflate relative to an underlying currency. A cryptocurrency is built on a transparent algorithm; no government or central bank issues it or controls it.
The difficulty for all parallel currency options is the need to prevent a collapse of the banks. Greece may require external funding during the transitional period. The government may have to introduce capital controls or temporarily close borders, ports and airports.
A parallel currency is thus no soft option, but still less risky than the alternative. It may pave a way back into the eurozone for Greece. At worst, it would be a transitional regime towards a more orderly exit. At very least it would insure us against the biggest danger, which is not Grexit but the aforementioned Grexident: a sudden seizure of the Greek financial system that would bring about a humanitarian crisis, global financial contagion and reputational damage to the EU.
The conclusion is inevitable: the best way to avoid a Grexident is to prepare for a Grexit.
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