Κυριακή 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Self-Reliance for Greek Independence


By Evaggelos Vallianatos

The debt crisis in Greece since 2009 accelerates the dependence of the Greeks on foreigners. This dependence was an integral part of the establishment of an "independent" Greek state in 1828. The "great" powers in the 1820s - England, France and Russia - took "free" Greece under their protection. This meant, among other things, that they would see that Greece paid her debts promptly.

European governments "managed" Greece down to WWII. The catastrophic war, triggered by Germany, turned the tables on the great powers of Europe. They and Greece became subservient to the new superpower of America.

Greece played on the communist fears of America and received aid for reconstruction and development. Such aid, however, made Greece a permanent American protectorate.

Greece's best and brightest migrated to the US for work or college education. Some of them, including me, stayed in America for good.

Imperial America, like ancient imperial Rome, overwhelmed Greece with its influence. The most destructive of those influences had to do with farming.

This started with the early version of state control and globalization: filling cities with rural people. Wars and American influence concentrated most of the Greeks in a few giant cities. The price of urbanization is permanent instability, with hunger looming large over the urban landscape.

Traditional village agriculture that fed the country for millennia slowly lost its attraction. Intensive propaganda and state policies convinced or coerced many peasants to abandon their ancient way of life for city delusions.

It is this earthquake in the village -- the fact that the village is no longer the pillar of food security -- that makes Greece so vulnerable to the savage demands of the bankers' cartel: the European Union and the International Monetary Fund of America.

In the pre-twenty-first century debt crises, when the Greeks could feed themselves, no outsider humiliated Greece as much as the current post-2009 government representatives of the bankers (EU and IMF).

Greece repaid her debts but only when such repayments did not harm her national interest and violated international law.

Now, however, repayment of the Greek debt is equivalent to slavery-like conditions offensive not merely to the suffering people of Greece but to civilization. Indeed, the acts of the EU and IMF are so treacherous against the Greeks that no one ever speaks about their effects: of bringing slavery back to Greece, the country that gave the lights of civilization to the world.

This goes to show that only a strong Greece can break her chains of debt slavery. Start by bringing Greek villages back to life. Greek universities have the experts for a rural revolution and small-scale green industrial development in the villages. They can train the young to till the land of their fathers, raising both food, jobs, and hope for a self-reliant proud country.

If the euros don't suffice, print drachmas. If the EU and IMF interfere, as they are certain to do, stop paying the debt and, if need arises, exit the euro zone.

However, foreigners are not alone in the savaging of Greece. Greek politicians are the foreign bankers' local agents. The Greek parties and the media mirror this alienation. They represent crude Wall Street globalization. The two communist parties are also icons of globalization, rejecting the Greek tradition of reason and national Hellenic culture. No Greek party fights for the Greek people. Parties are tools of self-enrichment and cleptocracy.

Yet the squeeze of the debt is so vicious that, in their desperation and contempt for the capitalist globalizing parties, Greeks gave some thirty percent of their votes to one of the two communist parties known as SYRIZA (coalition of the radical left).

But propelling SYRIZA to power is an invitation to the dismantling of the country. SYRIZA simply hates Greek civilization and Greek identity. It will legalize millions of illegal immigrants, including Moslems who demand Mosques all over the country. Second, it's out of the question that a Greek "radical" party without a vision for an independent Greece will have any influence even with the leftist parties of Europe, much less influencing EU-IMF.

This political chaos demands that the Greeks take matters onto their hands. Already in Athens and other cities volunteers provide free health care services; Not only enough Greeks must return to their villages for raising food, but all Greeks have to resist government policies collecting money for the foreign bankers. They need to tell the government they, not its agents, govern the country.

Once this movement for independence spreads, the tiny foreign-educated Greek ruling class will leave the country. Greece can then celebrate her second political independence.

A new constitution should forbid foreign debt and the abandonment of traditional agriculture and the villages. In other words, Greeks must construct a constitution that safeguards their fundamental institutions and liberties of self-reliance and liberty.

Americans can help Greece by demanding IMF leaves the country. Their moral support for the Greek struggle and visits to the country as tourists can bridge a new honest relationship between Greece and America.


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