Πέμπτη 5 Μαρτίου 2015

Running on empty


Political brinkmanship has exacted a heavy economic toll

In late February, as Greece’s new prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, reversed a crucial campaign pledge and infuriated his left-leaning Syriza party by asking for a four-month extension of the country’s hated bail-out, there was little sense of crisis in central Athens. Cafés were busy; streets were clogged with traffic.

The impression of business as usual was illusory. The new government may have stepped back from the impending rift with its creditors, but its readiness to go so close to the edge has hurt the economy and brought the state close to bankruptcy. Worse, there is scope for more damage to be done this spring, since nothing has been settled between the Greek government and the IMF, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (the institutions that speak for Greece’s creditors). Fleshing out the thin list of reforms the government has presented so far is bound to be an agonising process.

The Greek economy had at last begun to grow again in 2014, after six years of recession had lopped more than a quarter off GDP. Output started to increase in the first three months of last year (compared with the final three of 2013) and growth continued into the third quarter, when GDP rose by 0.7%, one of the best performances in the euro area.

That seems like a distant memory now. In the final three months of 2014, as elections loomed, output fell by 0.2%. The political turbulence has buffeted the economy and public finances in three main ways. First, anxieties about a possible “Grexit” from the euro and the forced conversion of bank accounts into less valuable drachmas caused a massive drain of deposits (see chart). In December and January Greek households and businesses pulled €17 billion ($19 billion) out of banks; astonishingly, the outflows over these two months were bigger than those in May and June 2012, when two elections were held and fears of a Grexit also loomed large. The withdrawals continued in the first three weeks of February, reportedly at a weekly rate of between €2 billion and €3 billion.

The loss of deposits, which brought Greece alarmingly close to imposing capital controls, has undermined the banks. They have had to turn to the Greek central bank to tap “emergency liquidity assistance”. Since such support is kept on the shortest-possible rein by the ECB in Frankfurt, this means that the banks are still acutely vulnerable. With their funding in disarray they are in no position to help businesses by making new loans, so the shortage of money at the banks is now affecting the wider economy.

Second, the political upheaval has created fresh uncertainty. With Greece’s place in the euro once again in question, domestic investors have put projects on hold and foreign investors have been scared away. This paralysis will not abate until a lasting deal with creditors is struck that rebuilds confidence in Greece’s long-term future within the euro area. Syriza’s climbdown in late February has bought time but it has not brought any money from Greece’s creditors. None will be available until the government shows that it is sincere in its promise to complete the reforms that creditors still insist upon and that are supposed to steady both the economy and the public finances. On the campaign trail Syriza denounced many of them as intolerable.

Third, the political storm has induced a crisis in the public finances. Cut off from the bond markets again and without help from official lenders, the Greek government is struggling to pay its bills. This month is particularly tough as it has to find €1.5 billion to repay a portion of its debt to the IMF, as well as €4.5 billion to redeem maturing Treasury bills. Even if the bills can be refinanced, money is tight because tax revenues are down by €2 billion in January and February compared with the same two months in 2014. Many taxpayers have simply stopped paying taxes in the hope that the new government will be more lenient.

The worse the economy does, the more the public finances will deteriorate. The government had won permission from its creditors to run a smaller primary budget surplus (ie, excluding interest payments) than previously planned, but that concession may now be meaningless. And if the government responds by allowing arrears on purchases it has made to build up, as has happened in the past, that will hurt the businesses that go unpaid.

Amid the gloom, there is one piece of good news. The turmoil does not appear to have harmed tourism bookings. The hope is that 2015 will be another good year, after the number of tourists reached a record of 22m in 2014. But for Greece to resume its economic recovery a lot of things will have to go right. In particular, Mr Tsipras will have to break more election promises. Even if he climbs down completely, however, there is no way to undo the damage already done to the economy by the events of the past few months.


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