Δευτέρα 5 Ιουλίου 2021

Only 0.9% of ‘verified cases’ died from COVID, Lisbon court rules


In May 2020, a court ruling in Lisbon, Portugal, ruled that only 0.9% of “verified cases” of COVID deaths actually died from the CCP Virus, the media Greatgameindia reported.

The ruling shows that in the period between January 2020 and April 2021, there were 152 verified deaths from the CCP Virus and not the 17,000 shown in the official figures. Therefore, we would be talking about the falsification of statistics.

This means that the rest of the 17,000 deaths were for other reasons despite having tested positive in PCR tests.

It should be noted that the Lisbon court had to provide the mortality data verified by COVID, due to a citizen’s request.

The death statistics come through the Death Certificate Information System (SICO).

Also, in Portugal, in 2020, an appeals court ruled that it was illegal to quarantine people based solely on a positive PCR test result, as such tests were unreliable.

The appeals court cited research by Rita Jaafal to state that the reliability of PCR tests depends on the number of cycles used and the viral load present. And its conclusion was:

“if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.”

This ruling was given because four people had been quarantined because one of them had tested positive in a PCR test, so they were isolated and also the other three people because it was considered that they suffered a high risk of exposure so they considered them all as infected and a danger to the rest of the people.

This pandemic has been highly questioned around the world, and despite the censorship suffered by people and media that question it, more and more evidence shows that we are being deceived.

In February of this year, the German media Welt Am Sonntag reported that the German government hired scientists to justify the measures taken during the first wave of coronavirus.

This action was carried out by the Ministry of the Interior, which hired researchers from several institutions to create a calculation model to support the harsh restrictive measures taken.

This information came to light through a group of lawyers who fought to obtain emails in a legal dispute with the Robert Koch Institute, which was one of the institutes hired by the German Interior Ministry.

This group of lawyers is led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who is one of the best trial lawyers in Germany and has been fighting hard to get the truth out about this coronavirus pandemic, which is violating the individual rights of all humanity and causing the unnecessary death of thousands of people around the world.


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